mom asked 8 yo son if his adhd meds were working "i like them. i fell asleep and it's like when i wake up, God took me apart and put me back together the right way." how precious! i never know how i feel about meds and medicating so young but clearly they work. i dont think i was that aware of my body and what made me feel better or worse at 8 but i guess if there's a difference, you notice.
today was a good day at on doc. i did a 12 yo physical but forgot a few things - like looking in her ears (went back to do that!), looking for her red reflex and optic disc/arteries. whoops! but i got most other things. it was my first physical so pretty good for first time! every now and then, though, i feel like i need to push myself more to be perfect.
sometimes, i just feel like perfect is unreasonable though..